Detailed and Links Resume of

Gary Shumway

Telephone: (801) 824-4469
FAX: (801) 665-1803

Web Site:
Work Experience | Software Used | Hardware | Web Sites Created | Professional Associations | Publications | Education/Certification
Caché, MUMPS, M, VistA,Cache Objects, web Programmer / Developer contract
Senior level software development and project management experience. Superior customer relationship and communication skills. Proven team player with leadership skills. Expert problem solver with strong analytical skills. Reliable and self motivated. Masters degrees in Psychology (MA), Biostatistics (MPH), and Business (MBA). Over thirty-five years of IT experience.
  Proficient in Languages/Technology: (also see 'Additional Software Used' section)
M, MUMPS, Caché, VistA, FileMan, RPMS, Web Link, DCL, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, WordPress, Drupal, MySQL
  Skill Set: (years experience)
Affinity (1), Antrim/Rubicon/Lab (3), Caché (12), ColdFusion (1), COSTAR (1), DCL (2), Dental School Apps (17), Dreamweaver (4), Eclipse (1), Epic {Resolute/Cadence/Chronicles} (2), FileMan/Kernel (13), HL7/NSF/ASTM/Interfaces (3), HTML (6), IDX {BAR/SCHED/AES} (2), JavaScript (2), MIIS (18), MUMPS (23), Perforce (1), PHP (1), Project Lead/Mgmt (13), Serenji Debugger (1), SQL (4), Statistician (2), TK Forms (1), VBA (1), Web Link (1), VistA (7), 508 Compliance (1)

Chronological Work Experience:
VistA/Caché/M Contract Developer, HP contract to Veterans Administration, Telecommute
(Aug 2012 to Jan 2013)
VistA/Caché Developer on the Patient Centered Management Module Re-hosting (PCMMR) project. Analyzed, programmed, created/installed KIDS builds involving changes to the PCMM Nightly Auto-Inactivation process. The changes include additions to existing code and the Patient Team Assignment and Position Assignment History files via the data dictionary and code. Worked on acquiring integration agreements, answered PCMM related VistA questions, conducted VistA training, and authored related documentation. Also used Primavera, VersionOne, and Reflection.

VistA/Caché/M Contract Developer, CACI contract to Veterans Administration, Telecommute
(Feb 2011 to Aug 2012)
VistA/Caché Developer on the Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN) project of the Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record (VLER) initiative. Programmed the data collection from the Fee Basis application and the creation of the XML message sent via HeatheVet Web Services (HWSC) to the Direct Java server. Assisted in the file design and triggering event for the data download process. Acquired the integration agreements, created the builds, and was the primary author of the VistA related documentation for the project.

VistA/Caché/M Contract Developer, Vangent contract to Veterans Administration, Telecommute
(Apr 2010 to Feb 2011)
VistA/Caché Developer on a HIPAA 5010 project specifically programming electronic insurance verification (eIV) enhancements including capturing and transmitting via HL-7 interface additional service type codes and other tasks related to VistA's Integrated Billing (IB) package and updated HIPAA requirements

MUMPS/Caché Contract Lead Developer, EHP/HEC/EDS/SAIC to Veterans Administration, Salt Lake City, UT
(Jul 2002 to Mar 2010)
I worked as the principle M Developer on the Health Summary application.  I was the lead Caché programmer on the Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) Clinical Indicators Data Capture (CIDC) project which obtains, stores, and transmits via HL7 and VistA (FileMan) APIs, additional third-party billing information, e.g., diagnoses and service connectivity from providers to ancillaries. I was also the lead on the CPRS portion of the Patient Financial Services System (PFSS) project, which passes and obtains billing data from the ancillaries. I was also an M Developer on the following projects: Non-VA/Herbal/OTC's Health Summary report, auto-acceptance of Herbal quick orders, Care Management maintenance, and the Performance Measure’s timeliness of note signing report. I was the integration and user testing coordinator for the Code Text Descriptor project. Additionally, I resolved numerous ClearQuest/Remedy issues (software bugs) for exiting Order Entry/Result Reporting functionality. TeamPlay, RequisitePro, Eclipse, Perforce, and ClearQuest are used as Project Management tools. Received FileMan/VistA, Delphi, Java, and OO training. Coded in DSM and Caché on Compaq/HP Alphas running VMS.

Caché/WebLink Contract Programmer, Giromex, Inc., San Diego, CA
(Sep 2002 to Oct 2002 p/t)
Worked part-time and remotely to ocument the globals and routines of their money transfer and related applications. WebLink was the primary web vehicle for their applications. I also advised as to system security enhancements. Began work on a local server OFAC interface. Their servers were running Windows NT and Caché 3.1.

Project Leader/Caché Programmer, Indian Health Services, Albuquerque, NM
(May 2001 to Jul 2002)
Caché Upgrade Project Coordinator for the conversion of RPMS (DHCP/VistA like) system from MSM to v.4.1.5 of Caché. Duties included construction and maintenance of the Project Plan, the Project's 508 compliant intranet web site, and coordinate and complete associated project tasks. Also did MSM and Caché programming via FileMan and RPMS. Additionally, worked on the installation of the PCC+ product and other assigned projects. Used MS Project, NetTerm, ProComm Plus, VNC, WS-FTP, Serenji debugger, ColdFusion, and Dreamweaver tools for assigned tasks.

Caché/MUMPS (M) Contract Programmer, Ameritrade, Inc., Omaha, NE
(January 2001 to April 2001)
Analyzed, programmed, tested, and documented assorted functionality and reports in Ameritrade's Back Office System (BOS) with v. 3.2 of InterSystem's Caché running on SunOS 5.6 using PVCS for version control and TNVTPlus as PC interface.

Caché/MUMPS (M) Contract Programmer, MEDecision, Inc., Wayne, PA
(July 2000 to January 2001)
Analyzed, programmed, tested, and documented assorted functionality into MEDecision's iEXCHANGE and MEDInform products with InterSystem's Caché running on NT using StarTeam for version control.

Caché/MUMPS Contract Programmer, Compass Information Solutions, Inc., Greenville, SC
(November 2000 to December 2000 p/t)
Worked remotely, part-time, abstracting patient demographic and visit data from a Compucare, Inc. Affinity system for a hospital in Massachusetts using v2.1.9-F.14 of Caché on a UNIX (HP RISC) system.

MUMPS Contract Programmer, Carolinas HealthCare System, Charlotte, NC
(March 2000 to June 2000)
Programmed BAR and SCHED related reports and utilities using AES tools on Carolinas' IDX system.  Also, wrote M and VBA routines that compiled group data from DSM and created graphical reports via Microsoft Excel.

MUMPS Contract Programmer, County of San Diego, San Diego, CA
(July 1999 to March 2000)
Identified and addressed Y2K issues, up-dated Medically Indigent Care Reporting System (MICRS) reports, abstracted TB patient information from a COSTAR Public Health Data System, and added functionality to the County's Child Health and Disability (CHD) Program. Programmed on DEC Alpha cluster using DSM and Reflection 2.

MUMPS Contract Programmer, MRL, Cypress, CA
(February 1999 to June 1999 p/t)
Working remotely, part-time, I assisted in resolving Y2K issues on a highly modified Antrum Laboratory System residing on a DEC Alpha using DSM and ProComm2.

MUMPS Contract Programmer, Kaiser Permanente, Pasadena, CA
(November 1998 to May 1999)
Programmed and documented a Laboratory Quality Control Management Sub-System (QCMS) to be used in conjunction with Kaiser's Rubicon Laboratory System residing on DEC Alpha's and PDP's with DSM.

MUMPS Contract Programmer, Cigna Corp., Phoenix, AZ
(May 1998 to November 1998)
Programmed custom reports with Epic, Inc. APIs & Intersystems Open M/SQL running on an IBM 6000 under AIX 4.2 using TNVT Plus as the interface.

MUMPS Contract Programmer, Fairview, Inc., Minneapolis, MN
(February 1998 to May 1998)
Programmed on Fairview's IDX system (AES 7.0 & 8.0) using M/SQL 6.2 running VAX Alpha with Relection 2 as the interface. Primarily maintained and augmented SCHED and BAR related AES applications/reports and HL7 interface to a Unisys.

MUMPS Contract Programmer, University of Minnesota Clinical Associates, Minneapolis, MN
(October 1997 to May 1998)
Programmed on UMCA's IDX system (AES 7.0 & 8.0) using M/SQL 6.2 running on a VAX Alpha with Reflection 2 as the interface. As sole M programmer, I maintained and augmented existing M software written over the previous four years. I also modified routines for inclusion of additional groups (data entry & reporting), modified existing screens using IDX Screen Generator, worked on autoquery system, interfaced patient billing with query results and modified reports, wrote SQL queries using IDX Report Writer, informed IDX where v8.0 was causing autoquery to abort, worked with IDX Data Dictionary, etc. Advised as to future system enhancements and direction.

MUMPS Contract Programmer, Quest Diagnostics, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA
(March 1997 to August 1997 p/t)
Worked remotely, part-time, writing portions of a bi-directional patient demographic & test results interface for a Viteck. The Viteck's PC was networked to a VAX Alpha cluster running VMS & DSM.

MUMPS Contract Programmer, HealthAmerica, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA
(March 1997 to August 1997)
Programmed in Intersystem’s DSM on a DEC Alpha cluster under DEC VMS, Windows 3.11, & SmarTerm. I wrote a DCL routine to convert any RMS sequential file to a format usable by %GTI based on user field selection for global nodes & data records. I modified existing IDX routines for capitation reports and worked with AES. Using Epic APIs & databases, I wrote M routines to report on patient and insurance account aging, created a RMS file of patients seen between user selected dates, wrote a routine to display patient appointment histories, created a chart location report, created DSM and RMS files for the transfer of patient, account, coverage, transaction, etc. data, created an all department tickler report, corrected patient locations and types, produced a Peds report based on primary location & insurance, & wrote a library routine of Epic APIs for returning frequently accessed EPIC patient data.

MUMPS Contract Programmer, LabCorp, Inc. (Roche/National Health Lab.), Uniondale, NY
(October 1996 to February 1997)
Programmed in Intersystem’s DSM on a DEC VAX cluster. My primary responsibility was the support of LabCorp’s IPO Clinical Trials System running with their comprehensive Large Laboratory System (LLS). I modified result reports, unblinded specific accessions in reports, wrote support for international zip codes, set-up printers, & cleaned the index database. I developed, coded, & implemented a specimen storage allocation & tracking system which enables LabCorp to instantly recall the location, history, & demographics for specimens stored for long term retrieval. I also organized, increased the functionality of, & added additional file format (including ASTM & Microsoft Access) support for accession demographic & results data files that were sent to clients.

MUMPS Contract Programmer, Healthways, Inc. (Aetna Professional Management Corp./MedPartners), Glastonbury, CT
(May 1996 to October 1996)
Programmed with Epic APIs & Intersystems Open M/SQL running on an IBM 6000 under AIX 3.2, Windows 3.11, & Netware. I also used Epic’s Chronicles, Resolute, & Cadence products to produce financial reports (contractual allowance & capitated transaction control) & modified functionality of existing Epic routines (check authorization & bank deposits). I modified menu screens, created forms (patient statement & OH & PA MediCare HCFA), modified chart outguide & pull routines, wrote M routines for generating user entry screens which were then used company wide. Using AIX, I became more familiar with vi, awk, & perl. I used TCP/IP and worked remotely using SmarTerm and Rhumba. My Epic training was on the job & by attending classes given by Epic.

MUMPS Contract Programmer, Corning Clinical Laboratories, Inc. (Metpath), Pittsburgh, PA
(December 1995 to September 1996)
Programmed in DSM MUMPS on a DEC Alpha cluster running VMS, Pathworks, & Netware. I developed & implemented a general third party EDI Remittance System using proprietary & NSF formats. I implemented the EDI Remittance System for MediCare PA, MediCare OH, Bluecross (Keystone), and Rail Road MediCare. I also wrote a set of generalized user entry routines.

MUMPS/MIIS/VB/Access/FoxPro Contract Programmer/Consultant, Shumway & Associates, Grand Terrace, CA (September 1983 to December 1995)
Consulted & programmed on a wide range of applications for the School of Dentistry at Loma Linda University. As indicated below, my involvement with LLUSD began in 1978 when the School had three Mini-Tec terminals (one of which was operational). Since that time I helped take the School through three translations (differing versions of MIIS), six different computers, from 15 routines to nearly 2,000, & from less than 1 MB of data to well over 1.25 GB. The system supports 70+ users with 140+ operators & some 300 students are able to directly access the system. The system functions I was solely responsible for (including analysis, programming, testing, documentation, and user instruction) included but was not limited to: patient database (demographics, student assignment, family groups, inactivation, recall, etc.), appointment scheduling including missed & canceled appointment tracking, chart tracking (chart checking out/in by students & staff, charts requested/assigned), treatment planning (entry & maintenance, authorizations, listings, etc.), student clinical requirements (procedures & their stage of completion, clinic attendance, selective hours, etc.), financial (budgeting, patient A/R, patient billing, cashiering, etc.), insurance (clinic accounts notebook, insurance billing via paper & EDI, etc.), test creation, grading & electronic grade book (mark sense exam grading, complete test scoring including weighted exams & questions, multiple exam versions, full statistics & reports, etc.), clinic production reports, department student requirement tracking, implementation of sterilization requirements & reports, support for private practice groups, faculty, student, & staff database, electronic mail routines, text editor, etc. A more comprehensive review of the Dental Computer System can be viewed at I also used MGlobal M, VB, Access, FoxPro, & CASL on a variety of assignments for several local small businesses.

Project Leader/MUMPS Programmer, Gould, Inc., Imaging and Graphics Division, San Jose, CA
(September 1983 to October 1984)
Programmed in DSM & FORTRAN IV on a DEC VAX running under VMS. I helped develop Gould’s Multimodality Acquisition and Review System (MARS). I wrote medical image (x-rays, MRIs, sonograms, etc.) acquisition (from source to computer) routines in FORTRAN. I also programmed in MUMPS, which we used for handling our image database. I also wrote routines for the validation of routines used in Gould’s image manipulation hardware.

Director of Dental Computer Services, School of Dentistry, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA
(January 1982 to September 1983)
I managed department personnel, prioritized & managed projects (including the selection & installation of new Data General Eclipse hardware, the stringing of cables, installation of terminals, printers, etc.), interfaced with management & users, and wrote systems & health care/academic applications software (also see above).

Project Manager/MIIS Programmer, Surgery Medical Group, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA (October 1981 to January 1982)
Programmed in MIIS on Data General Nova hardware using HP terminals. I programmed & implemented a generalized search routine system for obtaining demographic, symptom, diagnosis, & treatment data on patients seen by the Department of Surgery at Loma Linda University Medical Center. I also helped program, implement, & support a touch screen system for data collection via data entry by Surgeons & staff.

Senior MIIS Programmer, CompuCare, Fountain Valley, CA
(July 1981 to October 1981)
Programmed on Data General Eclipse hardware via MIIS OS & applications language. I developed patient demographic & chart check out routines for Medical Records. I also wrote maintenance tracking routines for Hoag Memorial Hospital’s Maintenance Department.

Systems Analyst/MIIS Programmer, School of Dentistry, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA
(September 1978 to July 1981)
Wrote many patient, student, grading, word processing, financial, & employee routines in MIIS & BASIC (also see above).

Junior Statistician, Survey Research Service, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA
(June 1978 to September 1978)
Maintained data integrity & ran statistical analyses for research studies using SPSS & BMD.

Computer Programmer, Department of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA
(May 1977 to June 1978)
Programmed on IBM 370 & Data General Nova hardware using MIIS & BASIC. I developed data entry routines, maintained the data, wrote reporting routines, & ran statistical analyses for the Tanzanian Young Child Health Program.

  Additional Software Used:
Also have programmed in: ASP, BAL, BASIC, C, COBAL, ColdFusion, Delphi, DHTML, FORTRAN IV, FoxPro, perl, PL/1, perl, and VB.
Programmed under/with OSs: AIX, CPM, DOS, Linux, MIIS, OC/VMS, SUNOS, Unix, VMS, and Windows.
Have worked with/used: Affinity, Antrim, ASTM, BAR, BMD, BOS, Cadence, Chronicles, ClearQuest, Composer, COSTAR, Cross Talk, Dreamweaver, Eclipse, EDI, Epic, Epic Care, Excel, EZ-Cap, Front Page, HL7, Homesite, IDX, IE, MEDInform, NetTerm, Paint Shop Pro, Pathworks, Perforce, PhotoShop, ProComm, Project, Quattro Pro, Reflection2, Rhumba, SCHED, Serenji Debugger, SmarTerm, SPSS, SQL, StarTeam, TextPad, TNVT Plus, VistA/FileMan, Visio, VNC, Word Perfect, WS-FTP, etc.
  Hardware Used:
DG Nova, Eclipse, & MV, DEC PDP-11/70, VAX 780, & Alpha, HP 3000, IBM 370, RS6000, PCs, & Univac.
  Examples of Web Sites Created:
Red Pills
Vote Shumway
Tell Shumway
Gary Shumway
Grand Terrace Toastmasters
Ernest Hill Publishing
La Loma Federal Credit Union
(site has been modified since it's original design and implementation)
  Education, Certifications, and Training :
Master of Business Administration(MBA), Information Systems/Finance, California State University at San Bernardino
Certified Computing Professional(CCP) , Management, Institute for Certification of Computer Professionals
Master of Public Health (MPH), Biostatistics, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA
Master of Arts(MA), Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Bachelor of Science(BS), Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Additional Certifications
Rapid Application Development with Caché 4 & 5 courses from Intersystems, 4 & 5 days, completion certificates
Caché Security Essentials seminar from George James Software, 1 day, completion certificate
Introduction and Advanced Delphi 6 Development Training from Jensen Data Systems, Inc, 10 days, completion certificates
VistA Foundations training from Greg Kreis of Pioneer Data Systems, 4 days, completion certificate
Caché System Management from Intersystems, 4 days, completion certificate
Java Programming and J2EE Enterprise Development from Maverick Solutions, 10 days, completion certificate
Additional training from:, U of U, UNM, UCR, CSUSB, UCLA, New Horizons, GCC, Main Line, ExecuTrain of Utah, & Metropolitan Schools.
  Professional Associations:
Toastmasters International (TI member, DTM, PDG, 26 years)
MIIS to M Conversion and Language Comparison, M Computing, v.1 (5), pp. 58-65, 1994.
MIIS, the Incisal Edge, MUG Quarterly, v. 18 (1), pp. 33-35, 1988.
DSM in Radiological Image Management, MUG Quarterly, v. 14 (4), pp. 33-38, 1984.
Computerized Radiological Practice Systems: An Implementation Survey, Proceedings of Computer Applications in Radiology, pp. 85-101, 1984.
Teeth ‘N MIIS, MUG Quarterly, v. 14 (1), pp. 64-66, 1984.
Three additional articles published in refereed scientific journals and
Two books published by Ernest Hill Publishing.



Updated: 02/10