Ernest Hill Publishing offers web page design and maintenance for companies, organizations, and individuals who desire to take advantage of the potential of a professionally constructed presence on the web to disseminate their products, messages, and services.
We can work with your design material and concepts or pro offer those that fit your objectives. Our first task is to determine what your objectives are and then how to construct a web presence which will present your products, messages, and services in a consumer response generating fashion. Our goal is to make your site appeal to the individual by being tastefully constructed, easy to navigate, and response generating.
We offer graphic art services at $30 per hour and web page scripting and composing at $45 per hour. We will also bid on your project given that your project is well defined and that we can reasonably estimate the hours needed to complete the project.
Some of our web work can be viewed by clicking on the company, organization, or project in the frame to the left.
Your satisfaction
and consumer response generating web pages are our goal. Let us put
the web to work for you!
Contact us via: | | | |
phone | (801) 824-4469 |
u.s.p.s. | Ernest Hill Publishing, LLC 1338 Foothill Dr. #327 Salt Lake City, UT 84108 |